Thanks to Berghoef

I can do what I'm good at


From group companies with Dutch domestic and foreign subsidiairies up to and including private enterprises: we take care of your financial administration and financial statements. And we give you a taylor-made (cross-border) tax advice.
After year-end the annual accounts are prepared. During the year, we can inform you by quarterly or monthly financial reports whether you are on track in achieving your annual financial goals.

Tax advice

Practical and tax saving solutions by organising your company as best as possible from a tax perspective: our team of experienced tax advisors will provide you with taylor-made tax advice.
We advise on the set up of your Dutch and foreign company structure. We assist privately owned (international) family companies. We take care of practical solutions and advice in the field of corporate income tax, VAT, withholding tax, wage tax and inheritance tax. We believe in the combination of tax advice and tax compliance. Also, we represent our clients in negotiations and tax audits with the Dutch tax authorities.

From a tax point of view, a private company owner and/or the company’s management can have different roles, e.g.

• Shareholder;
• Employee;
• Employer;
• Director;
• Grantor of a loan;
• Landlord/tenant of business property;
• Investor;
• Financier.

Our tax advisors are keen on advising on the tax opportunities and are aware of the pitfalls.
From an international perspective, we have an informal network of specialized lawyers, Dutch public notaries, bankers, transferpricing specialists and fellow-tax advisors abroad with whom we have been collaborating for many years.


Being a non-Dutch entrepreneur, we can assist you in Dutch accounting- and tax matters, also from a cross-border perspective. Either as to the set up of a Dutch company or in the event the company has been existing for some time. Berghoef Accountants en Adviseurs is employing chartered accountants and international tax advisors who are fluent in English. We have a working knowledge of the German and French language.

Berghoef Accountants en Adviseurs have a close collaboration with the native Spanish speakers of Activados, residing in the same building as we do. Activados provides high-end business support to Spanish and Latin-American companies. Both corporates as well as family-owned enterprises who are about to carry out or have been carrying out business activities in the Netherlands.
On a regular basis, our colleagues from Activados are acting as a client manager between our Spanish/Latin-American clients and us, enabling our clients to communicate in their native language.

Tax compliance

For international businesses, accurate tax compliance is of great importance. Due to increasingly complicated crossborder legislation, it is recommendable to request professional assistance in this field.
We can help you with the preparation of tax filings, e.g. in the field of Dutch VAT / EU-intracommunity supplies. The same goes for Dutch dividend withholding tax returns, Dutch corporate income tax returns etc.


Are you planning to start a private company? Or are you about to enter into a partnership? We offer a standard packakge to individuals who are in the process of becoming an entrepreneur. You do what you want to do yourself, and we do what you want us to do. We will advise you on the set up of an administration, on your VAT-position, VAT-compliance etc.


Are you a Dutch tax resident? Or a non-Dutch tax resident? Do you benefit from the 30%-ruling? What are the best individual tax saving scenarios? We advise you on Dutch domestic tax opportunities. If applicable, combined with your worldwide personal income tax position.
You don’t want to pay too much income tax. Our tax advisors will arrange the best position for you and your partner in your Dutch personal income tax return.

Emigration from the Netherlands

Emigrating from the Netherlands as a Dutch domestic taxpayer can be rather complicated from a tax perspective. An accurate and timely preparation is highly recommended. We will indicate the many pitfalls ánd tax opportunities.

Dutch gift tax and gift tax exemptions

You are considering a gift to your child, e.g. enabling your son or daughter to purchase a private home. Or you are considering a gift to a public foundation. You may be considering the donation of your assets to your children. You are willing to benefit from the best tax saving scenario. It is our pleasure to discuss with you your specific wishes and preferences. Based on these, we will elaborate on a practical route forward.

Inheritance tax

Dutch inheritance or succession tax is a tax that applies to residents and non-residents who have received an inheritance from a Dutch citizen. Non-residents have the option of availing themselves of the inheritance law of their country of origin. The inheritance tax will depend on the relationship you had with the deceased person (e.g. parents, husband, wife, etc.).
This tax will increase if the relationship with the relative or person you received the inheritance from is less direct. Especially when you own substantial assets – property, company shares, funds, receivables etc. – it makes sense to discuss an inheritance tax saving scenario. In order to minimize the inheritance tax burden. It is our pleasure to discuss with you the relevant calculations and necessary steps.

Our contact details

Visiting address
Dorpsstraat 99,
1431CC Aalsmeer,
Tel. +31 297-381212

Postal address
Postbus 269,
1430AG Aalsmeer,

CoC 34049007
VAT 8017.05.563.B01